Tireless Creativity

The number of works by Richard Strauss is almost incalculable.  Actually, the composer, conductor and musician always had music in his head. It was only during the game Skat that the melodies in his head could take a short break. Otherwise, Strauss would take no breaks, as is evident by his long list of works.


During his lifetime, Richard Strauss wrote a total of 16 Operas. His first opera “Guntram“(1892) received only minimal success. His other theatrical pieces would however reach more success, especially the ones that he had written with “his” poet Hugo von Hofmannsthal – most notable “Der Rosenkavalier”.
  • Arabella, a lyrical comedy in three acts
    Year of origin: 1932, op. 79 (TrV 263)
  • Ariadne of Naxos, Opera in one act with prologue
    Year of origin: 1916, op. 60 (II) (TrV 228a)
  • Ariadne on Naxos, Oper in one act to be played after Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme by Moliere
    Year of origin: 1912, op. 60 (I) (TrV 228)
  • Capriccio, conversation piece for music in one act
    Year of origin: 1941, op. 85 (TrV 279)
  • Daphne, a bucolic tragedy in one act
    Year of origin: 1937, op. 82 (TrV 272)
  • Der Rosenkavalier, comedy in three acts
    Year of origin: 1909, op. 59 (TrV 227)
  • The Egyptian Helen, Opera in two acts
    Year of origin: 1926, op. 75 (TrV 255)
  • Woman without a Shadow, Opera in three acts
    Year of origin: 1915, op. 65 (TrV 234)
  • The Love of Danae, cheerful mythology in three acts
    Year of origin: 1939, op. 83 (TrV 278)
  • The Silent Woman, comical opera in three acts  
    Year of origin: 1934, op. 80 (TrV 265)
  • Elektra, tragedy in one act
    Year of origin: 1908, op. 58 (TrV 223)
  • Feuersnot, sung poem in one act
    Year of origin: 1901, op. 50 (TrV 203)
  • Peace Day, opera in one act
    Year of origin: 1936, op. 81 (TrV 271)
  • Guntram, opera in three acts
    Year of origin: 1892, op. 25 (TrV168)
  • Intermezzo, bourgeois comedy with symphonic interludes in two acts
    Year of origin: 1921, op. 72 (TrV 246)
  • Salome, musical drama in one act
    Year of origin: 1904, op. 54 (TrV 215)
Bild zum Thema

Opera: Box Office Hits and Scandals

Why a world renowned soprano faked a fainting episode at the premiere of the “Egyptian Helen” and why “Der Rosenkavalier” had to be censored in 1924 in Berlin.

Other Orchestral Works

In addition to his great operas, Richard Strauss also wrote other pieces for the stage, including the cheerful ballet "whipped cream", whose original score was given by the composer to the City of Vienna for the long lease of his Viennese property.
  • Stage music to Romeo und Julia vocals and instrumental
    Year of origin: 1887, op. 86 (TrV 150)
  • Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, comedy with dance by Molière,
    Year of origin: 1917, op. 60 (III) (TrV 228b)
  • Divertimento for chamber orchestra after keyboard pieces by Francois Couperin
    Year of origin: 1940, op. 86 (TrV 245b)
  • Fanfare zu dem Schauspiel Die Jäger by August Wilhelm Iffland for Orchestra,
    Year of origin: 1891, op. 88 A (TrV 165)
  • The Legend of Joseph, ballet music in one act 
    Year of origin: 1914, op. 63 (TrV 231)
  • Kythere, Ballet music in three acts
    Year of origin: 1900, AV 230 (TrV 201)
  • Lebende Bilder, incidental music for orchestra
    Year of origin: 1892, o.op. 89 (TrV 167)
  • Schlagobers, cheerful Viennese Ballet in two acts
    Year of origin: 1922, op. 70 (TrV 243)
  • Dance suite from keyboard pieces by Francois Couperin for small orchestra
    Year of origin: 1923, o.op. 107 (TrV 245)
  • Verklungene Feste, ballet in one act by Francois Couperin for small orchestra
    Year of origin: 1940, o.op. 128 (TrV 245a)
  • Zwei Lieder aus Der Richter von Zalamea, for voices, guitar and harps
    Year of origin: 1904, o.op. 96 (TrV 211)

Tone Poems

The Alpine Symphony (1915) is the last tone poem by Richard Strauss and also the peak of his instrumental art.  From the 1880s until the turn of the century, Strauss strongly focused on his passion for tone poetry and created works that would further emphasise his fame.  These works would include “Thus spoke Zarathustra” and “Domestic Symphony” which he dedicated to his wife Pauline.
  • Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Also sprach Zarathustra), tone poem inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche for large orchestra
    Year of origin: 1896, op. 30 (TrV 176)
  • Die Donau, tone poem for organ, chorus and orchestra
    Year of origin: 1941, AV 291 (TrV 284)

  • Don Juan, tone poem for large orchestra after Nikolaus Lenau's dramatic poem
    Year of origin: 1888, op. 20 (TrV 156)
  • Don Quixote, Fantastic variation on a theme of knightly character for large orchestra
    Year of origin: 1897, op. 35 (TrV 184)
  • A Hero’s Life (Heldenleben), Tone poem for large orchestra
    Year of origin: 1898, op. 40 (TrV 190)
  • An Alpine Symphony (Eine Alpensinfonie), for large orchestra
    Year of origin: 1915, op. 64 (TrV 233)
  • Macbeth, symphonic poem after the Shakespearean Drama for large orchestra
    Year of origin r: 1888, op. 23 (TrV 163)
  • Sinfonia Domestica, for large orchestra
    Year of origin: 1903, op. 53 (TrV 209)
  • Till Eulenspiegel‘s merry pranks (Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche), in Rondeau form for large orchestra
    Year of origin: 1895, op. 28 (TrV 171)
  • Death and Transfiguration (Tod und Verklärung), tone poem for large orchestra
    Year of origin r: 1889, op. 24 (TrV 158)
Bild zum Thema

Great Symphonic Poems

Important points about “Thus spoke Zarathustra” and why Richard Strauss managed to upset the minds with “Heldenleben”.

Orchestral Works

Richard Strauss composed several works for large orchestra, quite often on an ad hoc basis. A rather exotic occasion is for the celebration of the 2600th anniversary of the Japanese Empire, for which he wrote a festival music for large orchestra.
Richard Strauss composed several works for large orchestra, often ad hoc basis. A rather exotic occasion is the celebration of the 2600 anniversary of the Japanese Empire, for which he writes a solid music for large orchestra.
  • Andante cantabile in D major for orchestra
    Year of origin: 1877, AV 209 (TrV 55)
  • Andante in B major for orchestra
    Year of origin: 1877, AV 210 (TrV 56)
  • Aus Italien, symphonic fantasy in G major for large orchestra
    Year of origin: 1886, op. 16 (TrV 147)
  • Incidental music for the film by Robert Wiene - Der Rosenkavalier for orchestra military march in F major
    Year of origin: 1925, o.op. 112 (TrV 227b)
  • Concert overture in C minor for large orchestra
    Year of origin: 1883, o.op. 80 (TrV 125)
  • Concert overture in B minor for Orchestra
    Year of origin: 1876, o.op. 30 (TrV 41)
  • Der Rosenkavalier, waltz sequence No. 2
    Year of origin: 1910, op. 59 (TrV 227a)
  • The Love of Danae (Die Liebe der Danae) symphonic Fragment (arranged by Clemens Krauss),
    Year of origin: 1952, (TrV 278a)
  • Waltz Sequence No. 1 for orchestra from Der Rosenkavalier, Act I and II.
    Year of origin: 1944, o.op. 139 (TrV 227c)
  • Symphony No. 1 in D minor for large orchestra
    Year of origin: 1880, o.op. 69 (TrV 94)
  • Festmarsch in C major for large orchestra
    Year of origin: 1888, o.op. 87 (TrV 157)
  • Festmarsch in D major for orchestra
    Year of origin: 1884, o.op. 84 (TrV 135)
  • Festmarsch in E flat major for orchestra
    Year of origin: 1876, op. 1 (TrV 43)
  • Festival music for large orchestra to mark the 2600th anniversary of the Japanese Empire (Japanese festival music)
    Year of origin: 1940, op. 84 (TrV 277)
  • Gavotte IV in D major
    Year of origin: 1879, o.op. 59 (TrV 82)
  • Lied ohne Worte (Song without words) in E flat major for Orchestra
    Year of origin: 1883, o.op. 79 (TrV 124)
  • München, commemorative waltz for orchestra (2nd version)
    Year of origin: 1945, o.op. 140 (TrV 274a)
  • München, commemorative waltz for orchestra (1st version),
    Year of origin: 1939, o.op. 125 (TrV 274)
  • Orchestral suite from the ballet Schlagobers
    Year of origin: 1932, op. 70 (TrV 243a)
  • Orchestral suite from the ballet for orchestra for Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (Bürger als Edelmann) by Molière,
    Year of origin: 1912, op. 60 (IIIa) (TrV228c)
  • Overture in A minor,
    Year of origin: 1879, o.op. 62 (TrV 83)
  • Overture in E major,
    Year of origin: 1878, o.op. 51 (TrV 69)
  • Overture in E minor for orchestra (for a projected opera Ein Studentenstreich),
    Year of origin: 1876, AV 207 (TrV 45)
  • Overture in E flat major for piano (for a projected opera Dom Sebastian)
    Year of origin: 1876, AV 208 (TrV 46)
  • Overture zum Singspiel Hochlands Treue, for orchestra
    Year or origin: 1873, o.op. 15 (TrV 17)
  • Serenade in G major for orchestra  
    Year of origin: 1877, o.op. 32 (TrV 52)
  • Sinfonie zu drei Themen in E flat major for orchestra
    Year of origin: 1925, AV 260 (TrV 253)
  • Suite from the opera Der Rosenkavalier,
    Year of origin: 1945, o.op. 145 (TrV 227d)
  • Symphonic fantasy from the opera Woman without a Shadow (Die Frau ohne Schatten)
    Year of origin: 1946, o.op. 146 (TrV 234a)
  • Symphonic fragment from the Legend of Joseph (Joseph’s Legende)
    Year of origin: 1947, o.op. 148 (TrV 231a)
  • Intermezzo symphonic interlude (4) for orchestra
    Year of origin: 1921, (TrV 246a)
  • Military march (2) for large orchestra: Kriegsmarsch (War march) in C minor
    Year of origin: 1906, op. 57 (TrV 221)
  • Military march (2) for large orchestra: Military march in E flat major
    Year of origin: 1906, op. 57 (TrV 221)
  • Symphony No. 2 in F minor for large orchestra
    Year of origin: 1883, op. 12 (TrV 126)

Other Instrumental Works

Richard Strauss composed for a wide range of instruments as well as for a variety of occasions. Especially moving is the profound "Metamorphosen" (filled with mourning for the destroyed homeland) which he creates at the end of World War II on behalf of the Swiss conductor and patron Paul Sacher.
  • Burlesque in D minor for piano and orchestra
    Year of origin: 1886, o.op. 85 (TrV 145)
  • Violin concerto in D minor with orchestra
    Year of origin: 1882, op. 8 (TrV 110)
  • Daphne-Etude in G major for violin and piano (arranged for Daphne)
    Year of origin: 1945, o.op. 141 (TrV 272b)
  • Der Zweikampf (The Duel) in B flat major, polonaise for flute, bassoon and orchestra
    Year of origin: 1884, o.op. 82 (TrV 133)
  • Duet-Concertino in F major for clarinet, bassoon, harp and strings
    Year of origin: 1947, o.op. 147 (TrV 293)
  • Erste Sonatine in F-Dur für sechzehn Blasinstrumente: Aus der Werkstatt eines Invaliden,
    Year of origin: 1943, o.op. 135 (TrV 288)
  • Erstes Concert in Es-Dur für Waldhorn
    Year of origin: 1882, op. 11 (TrV 117)
  • Fanfare for brass and timpani for the opening of the music week of the city of Vienna
    Year of origin: 1924, o.op. 110 (TrV 250)
  • Festival Procession for brass and timpani (Feierlicher Einzug) for the Knights of the Order of St John
    Year of origin: 1909, o.op. 103 (TrV 224)
  • Festive Prelude (Festliches Präludium) for organ and orchestra
    Year of origin: 1913, op. 61 (TrV 229)
  • Festmusik der Stadt Wien for brass and timpani
    Year of origin: 1943, o.op. 133 (TrV 286)
  • Wedding Prelude (Hochzeitspräludium) in B flat major for 2 harmoniums
    Year of origin: 1924, o.op. 108 (TrV 247)
  • Concert in D major for oboe and small orchestra
    Year of origin: 1945, o.op. 144 (TrV 292)
  • Metamorphosen, study for 23 solo strings
    Year of origin: 1945, o.op. 142 (TrV 290)
  • Panathenäenzug, Sinfonische Etüden in Form einer Passacaglia für Klavier (linke Hand) und Orchester,
    Year of origin: 1927, op. 74 (TrV 254)
  • Parergon to Sinfonia Domestica for piano (left hand) and orchestra
    Year of origin: 1925, op. 73 (TrV 209a)
  • Rhapsody in C sharp minor for piano and orchestra
    Year of origin: 1886, AV 213 (TrV 146)
  • Romance in E flat major for clarinet and orchestra 
    Year of origin: 1879, o.op. 61 (TrV 80)
  • Romance in F major for cello and orchestra (or piano accompaniment)
    Year of origin: 1883, o.op. 75 (TrV 118)
  • Serenade in E flat major for 13 wind instruments
    Year of origin: 1881, op. 7 (TrV 106)
  • Suite from the opera Capriccio for harpsichord or piano
    Year of origin: 1944, (TrV 279c)
  • Suite in B major for 13 wind instruments
    Year of origin: 1884, op. 4 (TrV 132)
  • Wiener Fanfare for brass and timpani
    Year of origin: 1943, o.op. 134 (TrV 287)
  • Vienna Philharmonic Fanfare (Wiener Philharmoniker Fanfare) for brass and timpani
    Year of origin: 1924, o.op. 109 (TrV 248)
  • Two Etudes for solo horns
    Year of origin: 1873, o.op. 12 (TrV 15)
  • Sonatine No. 2 in E flat major (Fröhliche Werkstatt) for 16 wind instruments
    Year of origin: 1944, o.op. 143 (TrV 291)
  • Horn Concerto No. 2 in E flat major
    Year of origin: 1942, o.op. 132 (TrV 283)

Chamber Music

Even his father, Franz Joseph Strauss, introduces young Richard into the world of chamber music.  He performs first composition works by the teenager with his orchestra club "Wild Gung'l".  Shortly before his death the composer writes a piece for violin and piano.
  • Allegretto in E major for violin and piano  
    Year of origin: 1948, o.op. 149 (TrV 295)
  • Andante in C major for horn and piano 
    Year of origin: 1888, o.op. 86 A (TrV 155)
  • Concertante for two violins, cello, and piano
    Year of origin: 1875, AV 157 (TrV 33)
  • Entwurf zu einem Streichquartett (Draft for a string quartet)
    Year of origin: 1901, AV 232 A (TrV 205)
  • Fantasy for bassoon, flute and guitar, based on a theme by Giovanni Paisiello
    Year of origin: 1883, (TrV 116)
  • Festmarsch in D major for violin, viola, cello and piano
    Year of origin: 1886, AV 178 (TrV 136)
  • Wedding music (Hochzeitsmusik) for piano and toy instruments
    Year of origin: 1879, AV 163 (TrV 84)
  • Introduction, theme and variations for flute and piano
    Year of origin: 1879, o.op. 56 (TrV 76)
  • Introduction, theme and variations for horn and piano
    Year of origin: 1878, o.op. 52 (TrV 70)
  • Quartet in A major for two violins, viola and cello 
    Year of origin: 1880, op. 2 (TrV 95)
  • Quartet in C minor for pianoforte, violin, viola and cello
    Year of origin: 1885, op. 13 (TrV 137)
  • String Quartet in C minor for two violins, viola and cello,
    Year of origin: 1875, AV 204 (TrV 35)
  • String Quartet in E flat major allegro moderato for two violins, viola and cello,
    Year of origin: 1879, AV 211 (TrV 85)
  • String Sextet arranged from Capriccio for two violins, two violas and two cellos
    Year of origin: 1941, (TrV 279a)
  • Sonata in E flat major for violin and piano
    Year of origin: 1887, op. 18 (TrV 151)
  • Sonata in F major for cello and piano
    Year of origin: 1881, op. 6 (TrV 115)
  • Ständchen (Serenade) in G major for violin, viola, cello and piano
    Year of origin r: 1882, AV 168 (TrV 114)
  • Capriccio dances from the opera for violin, cello and harpsichord
    Year of origin: 1941, (TrV 279b)
  • Trio Nr. 1 in A major for violin, cello and piano
    Year of origin: 1877, o.op. 37 (TrV 53)
  • Trio Nr. 2 in D major for violin, cello and piano
    Year of origin: 1878, o.op. 53 (TrV 71)
  • Variations on a Bavarian folksong “Das Dirndl is harb auf mi” for string trio
    Year of origin: 1882, (TrV 109)
  • Variationen über eine Tanzweise by Cesare Negri (1604) in Milan for string quartet
    Year of origin: 1883, AV 174 (TrV 123)
  • Kleine Stücke (2) for violin and piano
    Year of origin: 1873, AV 194 (TrV 21)
  • Two pieces for piano quartet: “Arabian dance in D minor” and “Love songs in G major”,
    Year of origin: 1893, AV 182 (TrV 169)

Piano Music

Already at the age of four and half, Richard Strauss was receiving piano lessons.  He would stay faithful to this instrument for the rest of his life.  He especially composed many pieces for piano at the beginning of his artistic career.
  • 14 Improvisation and Fugue on an original theme in A minor for piano (two hands)
    Year of origin: 1884, o.op. 81 / AV 177 (TrV 130)
  • Albumblatt in F major for piano
    Year of origin: 1882, AV 171 (TrV 111)
  • Allegro assai in B flat major for piano
    Year of origin: 1875, AV 203 (TrV 34)
  • Andante in C minor for piano
    Year of origin: 1879, o.op. 58 (TrV 73)
  • Aus alter Zeit (From older days) a small gavotte for piano
    Year of origin: 1879, o.op. 57 (TrV 72)
  • De Brandenburgsche Mars, (Präsentiermarsch) (arranged) for piano,
    Year of origin: 1905, o.op. 99 (TrV 214)
  • Fantasie in C major for piano
    Year of origin: 1874, o.op. 21 (TrV 29)
  • Fragments to Sonatinas for piano
    Year of origin: 1873, AV 197 - AV 202 (TrV 28)
  • Fugue on four themes for piano,
    Year of origin: 1880, o.op. 71 (TrV 99)
  • Klavierstücke (5) for piano
    Year of origin: 1881, op. 3 (TrV 105)
  • Kleine Stücke (5) for piano
    Year of origin: 1873, o.op. 16 (TrV 18)
  • Piano Sonata No. 2 in C minor (Great Sonata)
    Year of origin: 1879, o.op. 60 (TrV 79)
  • Intermezzo in F major for piano (four hands)
    Year of origin: 1885, (TrV 138)
  • Langsamer Satz for piano
    Year of origin: 1872, o.op. 11 (TrV 12)
  • Largo in A minor for piano
    Year of origin: 1883, o.op. 77 (TrV 120)
  • Melody in G flat major for piano
    Year of origin: 1883, (TrV 122)
  • Militärischer Festmarsch in E flat major for orchestra
    Year of origin: 1905, o.op. 100 (TrV 217)
  • Moderato in C major for piano
    Year of origin: 1871, o.op. 9 (TrV 9)
  • Panzenburg – Polka for piano  
    Year of origin: 1872, o.op. 10 (TrV 11)
  • Parade March for Cavalerie No. 2 in D flat major for piano
    Year of origin: 1907, o.op. 98 (TrV 222)
  • Parade-March des Regiments Königs-Jäger zu Pferde No.1 in E flat major for piano
    Year of origin: 1905, o.op. 97 (TrV 213)
  • Polka, waltz and other small compositions for piano  
    Year of origin: 1872, AV 152 (TrV 14)
  • Scherzando in G major for piano
    Year of origin: 1880, o.op. 70 (TrV 96)
  • Scherzo in B minor for piano
    Year of origin: 1879, o.op. 63 (TrV 86)
  • Schneiderpolka for piano
    Year of origin: 1870, o.op. 1 (TrV 1)
  • Sketches: five pieces for piano: Allegro in E major for piano, Andante in G major for piano, Gavotte II in D major for piano, Gavotte III in G major for piano, Gavotte IV in D major for piano
    Year of origin: 1879, o.op. 59 (TrV 82)
  • Sonata in B minor for piano (two hands)
    Year of origin: 1881, op. 5 (TrV 103)
  • Sonate Nr. 1 in E major for piano  
    Year of origin: 1877, o.op. 38 (TrV 47)
  • Sonatine I in C major for piano
    Year of origin: 1874, o.op. 17 (TrV 22)
  • Sonatine II in F major for piano
    Year of origin: 1874, o.op. 18 (TrV 23)
  • Sonatine III in B major for piano
    Year of origin: 1874, o.op. 19 (TrV 24)
  • Sonatine Nr. I in C major for piano
    Year of origin: 1873, AV 153 (TrV 19)
  • Sonatine Nr. II in E major for piano
    Year of origin: 1873, AV 154 (TrV 20)
  • Sonatine Nr. IV in E major for piano
    Year of origin: 1874, AV 195 (TrV 25)
  • Sonatine Nr. V in E flat major for piano
    Year of origin: 1874, AV 155 (TrV 26)
  • Sonatine Nr. VI in D major for piano
    Year of origin: 1874, AV 156 (TrV 27)
  • Stiller Waldespfad (Quiet forest path) for piano
    Year of origin: 1883, o.op. 78 (TrV 121)
  • Mood Pictures (Stimmungsbilder) for piano (two hands) (Auf stillem Waldespfad, An einsamer Quelle, Intermezzo, Träumerei),
    Year of origin: 1884, op. 9 (TrV 127)
  • Waltz in G flat major arrangement for piano (Kupelwieserwalzer) by Franz Schubert arranged by Richard Strauss,
    Year of origin: 1943, AV 192 (TrV 285)
  • Two short pieces for piano
    Year of origin: 1875, o.op. 22 (TrV 30)
  • Two short pieces for piano
    Year of origin: 1879, o.op. 68 (TrV 93)
  • 12 Variations in D major for piano 
    Year of origin: 1878, o.op. 50 (TrV 68)

Songs (Lied)

Richard Strauss leaves us a great variety of songs from all decates of his compositional work.  In addition for songs for solo voices, Strauss also writes melodrama, choral works, and other vocal music.
Abend- und Morgenrot (After glow and sunrise) song for voice and piano
Year of origin: 1878, o.op. 42 (TrV 60)
Poetry for voice and piano (8): Zueignung; Nichts; Die Nacht; Die Georgine; Geduld; Die Verschwiegenen; Die Zeitlose; Allerseelen
Year of origin: 1885, op. 10 (TrV 141)
Eight songs for voice and piano: Waldseligkeit; In goldener Fülle; Wiegenliedchen; Das Lied des Steinklopfers; Sie wissen's nicht; Junggesellenschwur; Wer lieben will, muß leiden; Ach, was Kummer, Qual und Schmerzen
Year of origin: 1901, op. 49 (TrV 204)
Alphorn song for voice, horn and piano
Year of origin: 1878, o.op. 29 (TrV 64)
Ballade for voice and piano
Year of origin: 1882, AV 173 (TrV 113)
Begegnung (Encounter)
Year of origin: 1880, o.op. 72 (TrV 98)
Blick vom oberen Belvedere (View from the upper belvedere) song for high voice and piano
Year of origin: 1942, o.op. 130 (TrV 281)
Das Bächlein (The creek)
Year of origin: 1933, o.op. 118 (TrV 264)
Das rote Laub (The red leaves)
Year of origin: 1879, AV 161 (TrV 78)
Der böhmische Musikant (the Czech musician)
Year of origin: 1871, o.op. 7 (TrV 7)
Der Dorn ist Zeichen der Verneinung (The thorn is a sign of denial)
Year of origin: 1884, AV 176 (TrV 129)
Der Fischer (the fisher)
Year of origin: 1877, o.op. 33 (TrV 48)
Der Graf von Rom (the baron of Rome)
Year of origin: 1906, o.op. 102 (TrV 218)
Der Morgen (the morning)
Year of origin: 1880, AV 165 (TrV 89)
Der müde Wanderer (the weary wanderer)
Year of origin: 1873, o.op. 13 (TrV 16)
Des Alpenhirten Abschied (the alpine pastoral farewell)
Year of origin: 1872, AV 151 (TrV 13)
Die drei Lieder (The three songs)
Year of origin: 1879, AV 164 (TrV 87)
Die Drossel (The mockingbird)
Year of origin: 1877, o.op. 34 (TrV 49)
Die erwachte Rose (The awakened rose)
Year of origin: 1880, o.op. 66 (TrV 90)
Drei Gesänge älterer deutscher Dichter (chants of old German poets) for high voice with piano accompaniment:  An sie (For her); Muttertändelei (Mother chatter); Die Ulme zu Hirsau (The elm of Hirsau)
Year of origin: 1899, op. 43 (TrV 196)
Three Hymns for soprano, tenor and orchestra:  Hymne an die Liebe (Hymn to love); Rückkehr in die Heimat (Return to the homeland); Die Liebe (Love)
Year of origin: 1921, op. 71 (TrV 240)
Three songs for soprano and piano accompaniment: Traum durch die Dämmerung (Dreaming through the twilight); Schlagende Herzen (Beating hearts); Nachtgang (Night Stroll)
Year of origin: 1895, op. 29 (TrV 172)
Lieder (Three Songs): Waldesgesang (Forest song); O schneller mein Roß (Oh my horse, faster), Die Lilien glühn in Düften (The lilies glow in fragrance)
Year of origin: 1879, o.op. 55, AV 160 (TrV 75)
Durch allen Schall und Klang (Through sounds and chimes)
Year of origin: 1925, o.op. 111 (TrV 251)
Ein Röslein zog ich mir im Garten (I planted a little rose in my garden)
Year of origin: 1878, o.op. 49 (TrV 67)
Ein Spielmann und sein Kind (A minstrel and his child), Ballade for soprano and orchestra
Year of origin: 1878, o.op. 46 (TrV 63)
Einkehr (Retreat)
Year of origin: 1871, o.op. 3 (TrV 3)
Erschaffen und Beleben (Creating and Reviving), for bass voice and piano
Year of origin: 1922, o.op. 106 (TrV 244)
Frühlingsanfang (Beginning of Spring)
Year of origin: 1879, AV 162 (TrV 77)
Five Poems: Ein Obdach gegen Sturm und Regen (A shelter against storm and rain); Gestern war ich Atlas (Yesterday I was Atlas); Die sieben Siegel (The seven seals); Morgenrot (Dawn); Ich sehe wie in einem Spiegel (I see as if reflected in a mirror)
Year of origin: 1900, op. 46 (TrV 199)
Five small songs (Lieder): Der Stern (The star); Der Pokal (The goblet); Einerlei (Singular one); Waldesfahrt (Forest Drive); Schlechtes Wetter (Bad weather)
Year of origin: 1918, op. 69 (TrV 237)
Five songs (Lieder): Auf ein Kind (On a child); Des Dichters Abendgang (Of the poet’s evening walk); Rückleben (Living in the past); Einkehr (Stopping at an inn); Von den sieben Zechbrüdern (About the seven drinking brothers)
Year of origin: 1900, op. 47 (TrV 200)
Five songs (Lieder): Freundliche Vision (A pleasant vision); Ich schwebe (I float); Kling! (Ring!); Winterweihe (In these winter days); Winterliebe (Winter love)
Year of origin: 1900, op. 48 (TrV 202)
Five songs (Lieder) for middle voice with piano accompaniment: Madrigal; Winternacht (A winter’s night); Lob des Leidens (In praise of sorrow); Aus den Liedern der Trauer (Songs of sadness); Heimkehr (Returning home)
Year of origin: 1886, op. 15 (TrV 148)
Five songs (Lieder): Ich trage meine Minne (I carry my love); Sehnsucht (Longing); Liebeshymnus (Love Hymn); O süßer Mai (Oh sweet May); Himmelsboten (Messengers from heaven)
Year of origin: 1896, op. 32 (TrV 174)
Five Songs (Lieder): Leises Lied (Quiet song); Junghexenlied (The song of the young witch); Der Arbeitsmann (The workman); Befreit (Freed); Lied an meinen Sohn (Song to my son)
Year of origin: 1898, op. 39 (TrV 189)
Five Songs (Lieder): Wiegenlied (Cradle song); In der Campagna (In the Roman campagna); Am Ufer (On the shore); Bruder Liederlich (Brother Slovenly); Leise Lieder (Quiet songs)
Year of origin: 1899, op. 41 (TrV 195)
Für Musik (For Music) song for voice and piano
Year of origin: 1879, AV 158 (TrV 74)
Geheiligte Stätte (Sacred Sites) for voice and piano
Year of origin: 1881, AV 170 (TrV 107)
Songs of the Orient: Ihre Augen (Your eyes); Schwung (Momentum); Liebesgeschenke (Love gifts); Die Allmächtige (The all-mighty); Huldigung (Homage)
Year of origin: 1928, op. 77 (TrV 257)
Gute Nacht (Good night)
Year of origin: 1871, AV 193 (TrV 10)
Herbstgaben (Autumn offerings- Fragment)
Year of origin: unknown, AV 244 (TrV 226)
Herz, mein Herz (My Love, my heart)
Year of origin: 1871, o.op. 8 (TrV 8)
Husarenlied (Hussar Song)
Year of origin: 1876, o.op. 14 (TrV 42)
Im Sonnenschein (In the sunshine) song for voice and piano
Year of origin: 1935, o.op. 121 (TrV 268)
Im Walde (In the woods) songs for voice and piano
Year of origin: 1878, o.op. 43 (TrV 62)
Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer (My slumber is always getting softer)
Year of origin: 1880, AV 166 (TrV 97)
In Vaters Garten heimlich steht ein Blümlein (In Father’s garden there secretly stands a little flower)
Year of origin: 1879, o.op. 64 (TrV 88)
John Anderson
Year of origin: 1880, o.op. 73 (TrV 101)
Krämerspiegel (The Shopkeeper’s Mirror) a collection of 12 songs
Es war einmal ein Bock; (There once was a goat)
Einst kam der Bock als Bote; (Once the goat came as a messenger)
Es liebte einst ein Hase; (There once was a rabbit)
Drei Masken sah ich am Himmel stehn; (I saw three masks upon the heavens)
Hast du ein Tongedicht vollbracht; (When you have completed a tone poem)
O lieber Künstler sei ermahnt; (Oh dear artist, be warned)
Unser Feind ist, großer Gott; (Our enemy is, great God)
Von Händlern wird die Kunst bedroht; (Art is threatened by the mongers)
Es war mal eine Wanze; (There once was a bedbug)
Die Künstler sind die Schöpfer; (Artist are the creators)
Die Händler und die Macher; (The traders and the doers)
O Schröpferschwarm, o Händlerkreis, (Oh swarm of fleecers, oh circle of traders)
Year of origin: 1918, op. 66 (TrV 236)
Laß ruhn die Toten (Let the dead rest)
Year of origin: 1877, o.op. 35 (TrV 50)
Lust und Qual (Pleasure and pain)
Year of origin: 1877, o.op. 36 (TrV 51)
Mädchenblumen (Girls Flowers): Efeu (Ivy), Kornblumen (Corn flowers), Mohnblumen (Poppy), Wasserrose (Water rose),
Year of origin: 1888, op. 22 (TrV 153)
Year of origin: 1948, AV 304 (TrV 297)
Mein Geist ist trüb (My spirit is dim)
Year of origin: 1884, AV 175 (TrV 128)
Mutter, o sing mich zur Ruh (Mother, oh sing me to rest)
Year of origin: 1880, AV 167 (TrV 100)
Nebel (Fog)
Year of origin: 1878, o.op. 47 (TrV 65)
Rote Rosen (Red roses)
Year of origin: 1883, o.op. 76 (TrV 119)
Sankt Michael (Saint Michael) for bass voice and piano
Year of origin: 1942, o.op. 129 (TrV 280)
Schlichte Weisen: All mein' Gedanken (All my thoughts); Du meines Herzens Krönelein (You my heart’s crown); Ach Lieb, ich muß nun scheiden (Alas my love, I must now part from you); Ach weh mir unglückhaftem Mann (Alas, I am an unlucky man); Die Frauen sind oft fromm und still (Women are often pious and quiet)
Year of origin: 1889, op. 21 (TrV 160)
Six songs from Lotusblätter by A. F. Graf von Schack: Wozu noch, Mädchen, soll es frommen (What’s the use maiden); Breit' über mein Haupt dein schwarzes Haar (Spread your black hair over my head); Schön sind, doch kalt die Himmelssterne (The heavenly stars are fair but cold); Wie sollten wir geheim sie halten (How shall we keep it secret); Hoffen und wieder verzagen (Hoping and despairing again); Mein Herz ist stumm, mein Herz ist kalt (My heart is dumb, my heart is cold)
Year of origin: 1888, op. 19 (TrV 152)
Six songs (Lieder) for a soprano with piano accompaniment: Three songs from Goethe’s West-East Diwan: Hab' ich euch denn je greaten (Have I ever advised you), Wanderers Gemütsruhe (A traveler’s serenity), Wer wird von der Welt verlangen (Who would demand of the world); Three songs from Ophelia of Shakespeare’s Hamlet: Guten Morgen 's ist Sankt Valentinstag (Good morning, its Valentine’s day), Sie trugen ihn auf der Bahre bloß (they carried him on the stretcher), Wie erkenn' ich mein Treulieb' (How do I recognise my true love)
Year of origin: 1918, op. 67 (TrV 238)
Sechs Lieder für hohe Stimme mit Pianobegleitung: Glückes genug; Ich liebe dich; Meinem Kinde; Du bist mein Auge; Herr Lenz; Hochzeitlich Lied,
Year of origin: 1898, op. 37 (TrV 187)
Six Songs (Lieder): An die Nacht (To the night); Ich wollt ein Sträußlein binden (I would have made a bouquet); Säus'le, liebe Myrte! (Rustle, dear myrtle!); Als mir dein Lied erklang (When I heard your song); Amor (Love); Lied der Frauen (Song of women)
Year of origin: 1918, op. 68 (TrV 235)
Six Songs (Lieder): Gefunden (Found); Blindenklage (Blind man’s lament); Im Spätboot (In the last boat); Mit deinen blauen Augen (With your blue eyes); Frühlingsfeier (Spring feast); Die heiligen drei Könige aus Morgenland (The three holy kings from the eastern land)
Year of origin: 1905, op. 56 (TrV 220)
Six Songs (Lieder): by A. F. von Schack for high voice and piano accompaniment: Seitdem dein Aug' in meines schaute (Ever since your eyes looked into mine); Ständchen (Serenade); Das Geheimnis (The secret); Aus den Liedern der Trauer (From the songs of sorrow); Nur Mut! (Only courage!); Barcarole,
Year of origin: 1886, op. 17 (TrV 149)
Sinnspruch (Motto)
Year of origin: 1919, o.op. 105 (TrV 239)
Skatcanon for four men’s voices
Year of origin: 1903, o.op. 95 A (TrV 210)
Soldatenlied (Soldier’s song) for a deep voice and piano
Year of origin: 1878, o.op. 48 (TrV 66)
Spielmann und Zither (Minstrel and Zither)
Year of origin: 1878, o.op. 40 (TrV 58)
Spruch (Sayings)
Year of origin: 1930, o.op. 116 (TrV 261)
Und dann nicht mehr (and then no more) for bass voice with piano
Year of origin: 1929, o.op. 114 (TrV 258)
Four chants for a voice type with orchestra accompaniment: Verführung (Seduction); Gesang der Apollopriesterin (Song of the priestess Apollo); Hymnus; Pilgers Morgenlied (Pilgrim’s morning song)
Year of origin: 1896, op. 33 (TrV 180)
Four last Songs (Lieder) for Soprano and orchestra: Frühling (Spring); September; Beim Schlafengehen (Bedtime); Im Abendrot (In the evening red),
Year of origin: 1948, o.op. 150 (TrV 296)
Four songs for a high voice with piano accompaniment: Blauer Sommer (Blue summer); Wenn (When); Weißer Jasmin (White Jasmine); Stiller Gang (Silent walk),
Year of origin: 1895, op. 31 (TrV 173)
Four songs (Lieder) for a high voice with piano accompaniment: Anbetung (Worship), Das Rosenband (The rosetape); Für fünfzehn Pfennige (For fifteen pennies); Hat gesagt - bleibt's nicht dabei (He has said, but it won’t stay at that)
Year of origin: 1898, op. 36 (TrV 186)
Four Songs (Lieder): Cäcilie (Cecily), Ruhe, meine Seele! (Quiet, my soul); Heimliche Aufforderung (Secret invitation); Morgen! (Tomorrow)
Year of origin: 1894, op. 27 (TrV 170)
Vom künftigen Alter (From future age) for bass voice with piano
Year of origin: 1929, o.op. 115 (TrV 260)
Vorüber ist der Graus der Nacht  (The horror of the night is over)
Year of origin: 1896, AV 221 A (TrV 178)
Waldconcert (Forest concert)
Year of origin: 1871, o.op. 5 (TrV 5)
Waldesgesang (Forest chants)
Year of origin: 1882, AV 172 (TrV 112)
Weihnachtsgefühl (Christmas feelings)
Year of origin: 1899, o.op. 94 (TrV 198)
Weihnachtslied (Christmas song)
Year of origin: 1870, o.op. 2 (TrV 2)
Wer hat's getan? (Who did it ?)
Year of origin: 1885, o.op. 84 A (TrV 142)
Wiegenlied (Cradle song)
Year of origin: 1878, o.op. 41 (TrV 59)
Winterreise (Winter travels)
Year of origin: 1871, o.op. 4 (TrV 4)
Wir beide wollen springen (We both want to jump)
Year of origin: 1896, o.op. 90 (TrV 175)
Year of origin: 1942, o.op. 131 (TrV 282)
Zugemessne Rhythmen reizen freilich (Measured rhythms naturally provoke)
Year of origin: 1935, o.op. 122 (TrV 269)
Two changts for a deep bass voice with orchestra accompaniment: Das Tal (The valley); Der Einsame (The longer)
Year of origin: 1906, op. 51 (TrV 206) 
Two bigger chants for a deep voice with orchestra accompaniment:  Notturno; Nächtlicher Gang (Evening walk)
Year of origin: 1899, op. 44 (TrV 197)
Two Songs (Lieder): Frühlingsgedränge (Spring hustle); O wärst du mein (Oh if you were only mine),
Year of origin: 1891, op. 26 (TrV 166)


Das Schloß am Meer (The castle by the sea), Melodrama after poem by Ludwig Uhlands
Year of origin: 1899, o.op. 92 (TrV 191)
Enoch Arden, Melodrama for piano
Year of origin: 1897, op. 38 (TrV 181)

Choral Works

An den Baum Daphne, Epilogue to Daphne for a mixed a cappella choir of nine voices
Year of origin: 1943, o.op. 137 (TrV 272a)
Austria, for large orchestra with male choir
Year of origin: 1929, op. 78 (TrV 259)
Bardengesang:  Three songs for male chorus and orchestra
Year of origin: 1906, op. 55 (TrV 219)
Bardengesang from Hermann’s battle for male chorus and orchestra
Year of origin: 1886, AV 181 (TrV 144)
Besinnung (Reflection) for mixed chorus and orchestra
Year of origin: 1949, AV 306 (TrV 298 )
Cantate for four male voices a cappella,
Year of origin: 1914, o.op. 104 (TrV 232)
Choir from Elektra from Sophocles for male voices and orchestra
Year of origin: 1881, o.op. 74 (TrV 104)
Deutsche Motette (German Motet), for a cappella choir of four solo voice and 16 mixed voices
Year of origin: 1913, op. 62 (TrV 230)
Die Göttin im Putzzimmer (The Goddess in the cleaning room) for a cappella choir of eight mixed voices
Year of origin: 1935, o.op. 120 (TrV 267)
Die Tageszeiten (The times of the day) song cycle for male choir and orchestra: Der Abend (The evening), Der Morgen (The morning), Die Nacht (The night), Mittagsruh (Noon rest),
Year of origin: 1927, op. 76 (TrV 256)
Three male Choir: Der Brauttanz (The bridal couple’s dance), Lied der Freundschaft (Song of Friendship), Schlachtgesang (Battle song),
Year of origin: 1899, op. 45 (TrV 193)
Three Male Choirs: Traumlicht (Dream light), Vor den Türen (In front of the doors), Fröhlich im Maien (Merry in May)
Year of origin: 1935, o.op. 123 (TrV 270)
Durch Einsamkeiten (Through Loneliness) for four voice a cappella male choir
Year of origin: 1938, o.op. 124 (TrV 273)
Festchoir for chorus and piano
Year of origin: 1880, AV 169 (TrV 102)
Hymns for female choir, brass band, and orchestra
Year of origin: 1897, o.op. 91 (TrV 183)
Emperor Hymns for mixed choir
Year of origin: 1915, (TrV 218b)
Olympic Hymn for mixed choir and orchestra
Year of origin: 1934, o.op. 119 (TrV 266)
Schwäbische Erbschaft (Swabien inheritance) for a cappella male choir
Year of origin: 1884, o.op. 83 (TrV 134)
Six revised folk songs for four male voices a cappella choir: Geistlicher Maien (Spiritual May), Hüt du dich! (Protect yourself), Kuckuck (Cuckoo), Liebesjagd (Love hunt), Tummler (Tumbler), Wächterlied (Watcher’s song)
Year of origin: 1905, o.op. 101 (TrV 216)
Soldatenlied (Soldier’s song) for male choir a cappella  
Year of origin: 1899, o.op. 93 (TrV 192)
Storm Song for six voices, choir and orchestra
Year of origin: 1885, op. 14 (TrV 131)
Taillefer, Ballade for mixed choir, solo and orchestral accompaniment
Year of origin: 1903, op. 52 (TrV 207)
Mass in D major, four movements for mixed chorus a cappella
Year of origin: 1877, o.op. 31 (TrV 54)
Folks hymn for mixed choir
Year of origin: 1906, (TrV 218a)
Two Chants: Hymne (Hymn), Der Abend (The evening) for 16 mixed choir voices a cappella
Year of origin: 1897, op. 34 (TrV 182)
Two Songs (Lieder) for a cappella choir of 4 mixed voices  
Year of origin: 1876, o.op. 25 (TrV 37)
Two male choirs: Altdeutsches Schlachtlied (Old German battle song), Liebe (Love)
Year of origin: 1899, op. 42 (TrV 194)

Other Vocal Music

Der weiße Hirsch (The White Deer) for alto, tenor, and bass voices with piano
Year of origin: 1871, o.op. 6 (TrV 6)
Hab Dank du güt'ger Weisheitsspender (Give thanks you gracious wisdom donor) four lines of text for solo bass voice
Year of origin: 1939, o.op. 126 (TrV 275)
Hymn of the House Kohorn for two tenor and two bass voices
Year of origin: 1925, o.op. 113 (TrV 252)
Year of origin: 1903, o.op. 95 (TrV 208)
Notschrei aus den Gefilden Lapplands (Cry of distress from the fields of Lapland) four lines of text for one voice
Year of origin: 1940, o.op. 127 (TrV 276)
Richard Till Khnopff
Year of origin: 1898, (TrV 188)
Seven songs with four voices for vocal quartet or mixed a cappella choir: Käferlied (Beetle song), Pfingsten (Pentecost), Schneeglöcklein (Snowdrops), Spielmannsweise, Trüb blinken nur die Sterne (Only the stars shine dimly), Waldessang (Chant of the Forest), Winterlied (Winter song)
Year of origin: 1880, o.op. 67 (TrV 92)
Utan svafvel och fosfor, from a Swedish matchbox for two tenors and two bass voices
Year of origin: 1889, o.op. 88 (TrV 159)
Wer tritt herein (Who enters here) six lined text for one voice
Year of origin: 1943, o.op. 136 (TrV 289) 
Bild zum Thema

Lieder for the Soul

Why his “Four Last Songs” were actually not Richard Strauss’ last songs, and what he would dedicate as a wedding gift to Pauline.

Adaptations, Sketches and Studies

Along with his great operas and orchestral works, tone poems and Lieder, Richard Strauss also wrote arrangements for pieces by other famous composers.   In addition to this, a series of sketches for operas and musical comedies and a number of compositions in which he would leave the cast open.
Die Feen von Richard Wagner (The Fairies of Richard Wagner) insertions for Act II.
Year of origin: 1888, AV 185 (TrV 154)
The Ruins of Athens: a festival with dances and choirs to The Creatures of Prometheus by Ludwig van Beethoven
Year of origin: 1924, AV 190 (TrV 249)
Ganymed song for orchestra (after Franz Schubert),
Year of origin: 1897, (TrV 179)
Idomeneo, Interlude in C minor in three acts for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s opera Idomeneo
Year of origin: 1930, o.op. 117 / AV 191 (TrV 262)
Instrumentationslehre von Hector Berlioz  (preface and additions)
Year of origin: 1903 , AV 316 / 317 (TrV 212)
Iphigenie on Tauris, opera in three acts by Christoph Willibald von Gluck, arranged for the German stage
Year of origin: 1890, AV 186 (TrV 161)
Johann von Paris von Francois-Adrien Boieldieu, revision of Aria of the princess
Year of origin: 1922 , (TrV 242 )
Cadenza for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Piano concerto in C minor (KV 491)
Year of origin: 1885, AV 179 (TrV 139)
Nonett in F major (Composition by Franz Lachner, arrangement for four hands),
Year of origin: 1881, AV 183 (TrV 108)
Nun hält Frau Minne Liebeswacht, from Liebesnächte by Alexander Ritter,
Year of origin: 1891, AV 188 (TrV 164)
Overture of Der faule Hans by Alexander Ritter (for piano)
Year of origin: 1885, AV 184 A (TrV 140)
Rienzi by Richard Wagner,
Year of origin: 1890, (TrV 162)
Waltz Lied in F major for an operetta by Maximiliano Niederberger,
Year of origin: 1921, AV 258 (TrV 241)
Two Songs (Lieder) by Ludwig von Beethoven (WoO 123) (instrumentation): Ich liebe dich (I love you) Wonne der Wehmut (The blissful melancholy)
Year of origin: 1898, AV 189 (TrV 185) 
Two marches for piano Arranged from Joachim Raff's opera Bernhard von Weimar
Year of origin: 1885, AV 184 (TrV 143)

Studies and Exercises without specification of the cast

Contrapuntal Studies I
Year of origin: 1877, o.op. 39 (TrV 57)
Contrapuntal Studies II
Year of origin: 1879, o.op. 54 (TrV 81)
Contrapuntal Studies III
Year of origin: 1879, o.op. 65 (TrV 91)
Four voice choral movements in B Flat
Year of origin: 1875, o.op. 24 (TrV 32)
Four voice movement in A flat major
Year of origin: 1876, o.op. 27 (TrV 39)
Four voice movement in B major
Year of origin: 1875, o.op. 23 (TrV 31)
Four voice movement in D minor
Year of origin: 1876, o.op. 26 (TrV 38)
Preliminary studies on harmony and counterpoint
Year of origin: 1875, AV 196 (TrV 36)

Sketches to operas and musical comedies:

Der Kampf mit dem Drachen (The fight with the dragon), musical comedy in one act
Year of origin: 1876, AV 206 (TrV 44)
Des Esels Schatten (The donkey’s shadow) musical comedy in six images
Year of origin: 1947, AV 300 (TrV 294)
Lila, Singspiel von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
Year of origin: 1878, AV 206 / o.op. 44 / o.op. 45 (TrV 61)

Lila, musical comedy by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
Year of origin: 1895, AV 221 (TrV 177)
Scenes of a musical comedy for voice and piano
Year of origin: 1876, o.op. 28 / AV 205 (TrV 40)


Abandoned works for horn by Franz Strauss (edited by Richard Strauss)
AV 323 (TrV 225)